Well this was a crazy day .....earlier in the week I ordered the coaches and the kids at Bangor T-shirts for this weeks game against Gobles. I left work as soon as the shirt were delivered and raced to Bangor to catch Matt and the team before the game. On the back of the shirts I had "The season for Tornadoes" printed. There is a story about this that Matt shared with the boys and was the theme for the week. I was soo excited to surprise Matt and the team that when I got there I spoke like a total dork! Samantha is sure that the team thinks I am a dork even though Matt claimed I was his "hot wife". They all liked the shirts and seemd happy to have a little motivation for the night.
This game was going to be tough to win but I never thought that Bangor would struggle as much as they did. The game ended with Bangor barley getting on the score board with a score of 46-6.
Bangor is now 2-2.