Well it is soo hard to believe that 18 years have already gone by.....where did it all go? I am so proud of my "mantha" she is all grown up. She has the world in front of her now and that is exciting for some but for Samantha well she is my kid who sorta hates new environments and new people.....so for her having the whole world with new people and things to do laying in front of her is overwhelming. I pray the good lord comforts her as she beings this new journey I pray the lord gives her more confidence in the beautiful woman she has become. May she find herself and who or what she wants to be. I know this all comes in time, but as usual I would prefer it to be sooner rather than later....as I have never been really good at waiting. :( Its funny how your kids can grow up and be very different from ourselves. I never had trouble talking with people.... as a matter of fact my second great teacher called me Tammie talk alot. I hated it at the time but now think its funny. I have always wanted to connect with people and know things about who they are and what makes them happy.....these very things and questions seem to drive Samantha crazy. As Samantha finds her spot in this world I guess the good lord is going to guide me in having some patience to be able to stand by and allow her to find her way on her time and gods.... Now that will be a a test of patience eah???? I guess they say the lord doesnt give you more than you can handle So he must be going to give me some patience! ha ha! I have never been good at sitting, watching or waiting......so this will be an interesting journey for all of us! On the other hand Samantha is good at sitting, and watching so maybe its about opposites??? Maybe that is all part of the lords plan. Hummm......Well here is my favorite photo of Samantha at graduation.
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